Learn Web Development, Graphic Design, UI/UX Design

December Coding BootCamp

The Visiola Foundation’s December Coding Bootcamp is an intensive one-day training program that will provide participants a sneak-peek into computer programming and will provide them a platform upon which to build their careers as computer programmers and tech entrepreneurs. The boot camp will hold on December 7th, 2019.

During the workshop, participants will be taught UI/UX Design. They will work on individual assignments and group challenges to enhance their learning, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving abilities. This will help kick-start their programming journey as we work to encourage more girls to pursue technical careers by empowering them with vital knowledge to facilitate their success.

The specific objectives of the coding boot camp are:

  • A stronger foundation in Computer Science.
  • Pique the interest of girls in programming.
  • Equip girls to pursue high-wage technical careers


The program will dwell extensively on teaching Adobe XD. Adobe XD is a vector-based user experience design tool for web apps and mobile apps, developed and published by Adobe Inc. XD supports website wireframes and creating simple interactive click-through prototypes.

After completion of this program, students will be able to design click-through prototypes of websites, web apps and mobile apps. This is, however, the first stage in the web and mobile application design and development process. Students can develop their coding skills further by registering for the Foundation’s 3-month coding boot camp.

All candidates must register by completing the application form by December 1, 2019. Kindly email admin@visiolafoundation.org for further information or enquiries.